
Xerox Print Center

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Contact Information


Production Facility:
7585 Convoy Court, San Diego, CA   92111 
County Mail Stop O-66
Phone 858-650-0818 Fax 858-650-0830

Document Advisor:
Sylvia San Nicolas

Shop e-mail

On Line Ordering Access: "Welcome to The Xerox Print Center”

Billing and Operational Issues:

LaToya Ashby

Web Administrator:

Sylvia San Nicolas


    News: We have changed our email address.
The new address is:
       Please record this as the old address
          will be disabled on October 31
 Home    |    Contacts    |    Email us     |     Services    |    Order form     |    Quote form    |    Survey    |    About us
Xerox Print Center 7585 Convoy Court San Diego 858 650 0818 fax 0830
Update by PAngsten3-10-10